WeNeedToTalk CoWorker is a tool to help you organize, plan and structure discussions, team building events, small groups, life groups, and more.
Plan your events with our tool and add questions from our question and conversation resource bank. Add your material, questions, and share them with your team.
We are currently in development but are preparing for the launch of the tool. Would you be interested to use it when it is ready? Would you be interested to use it when it is ready? Sign up and we will email you when it is ready.
Create and schedule groups or events with our tool
Plan your group or event and select the questions you want.
Select questions from our WeNeedToTalk database, pick them from your question database, or simply create your own questions on the go.
Share your plans with your team and your group members. Copy the link and send it to whoever you want to share your event with. Eg. small group leader